sustainable leaders

Ayala’s path to an ESG driven business

Ayala is stepping up to become a sustainable leader in its native Philippines and across the APAC region, with its willingness to explore novel approaches to ESG, as well its commitment to rigorous global benchmarks and scrutiny.

SUSTAINABLE FINANCE ROUNDTABLE 2023: Driving new demand for sustainable debt

At an ANZ-sponsored roundtable in mid-June 2023 – jointly held in Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, Auckland and Wellington – investors and borrowers from across the region shared their experiences, preferences, strategies and visions in relation to how to spur green, social and sustainability (GSS) issuance for the rest of 2023, and beyond.

SUSTAINABLE FINANCE POLL 2023: Asian debt markets sharpen ESG focus

Investors and borrowers are getting a lot savvier across a wider range of sustainable finance instruments. This is paving the way for more innovative issuance to achieve goals in newer areas like biodiversity, energy transition and gender equality, finds the 6th annual ANZ/FinanceAsia poll.