Swire readies new 10-year eurobond

Hong Kong conglomerate mandates HSBC and Morgan Stanley for new $350 million deal.
In a dual currency capital raising venture, Swire has mandated HSBC and Morgan Stanley to lead a proposed 10-year $350 million bond deal, following the completion of a Hong Kong dollar-denominated issue earlier this week.

The Reg-S deal is scheduled to kick-off roadshows in Asia and Europe next week.

HSBC, acting as sole lead priced a HK$1.8 billion $232 million seven-year fixed-rate issue for Swire Pacific MTN Financing. The notes, offered from SwireÆs existing $1.5 billion global MTN program, are fully guaranteed by parent Swire Pacific. That deal priced at par with a quarterly coupon of 4.93%.

Both deals are rated A3A- by MoodyÆs and Standard and PoorÆs

Price guidance for the...

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