
Big guns and flappers joined FinanceAsia at the Cotton Club of Hong Kong...

In this, the first-year anniversary of the well-heeled Chatroom column, we pay tribute to some of our friends in the market. We invited a sprinkling of them along to this year’s Publishers’ Ball.

An annual event of no mean heritage, the theme of this year’s ball was the 1920s Cotton Club.

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As ever, the ladies led the way in dress sense. Two of the foremost belles of the ball were HSBC’s Anna Lenaghan – who sparkled in blue – and the charming Ines NoT of UBS Warburg.

The chaps were more of a mixed bunch. Top marks went to Alan Smith, the CSFB vice-chairman. He turned up in a white suit that cut a dash, and some remarkable two tone shoes. Meanwhile HSBC’s global head of debt, Mark ‘Bugsy’ Bucknall had a specially-tailored yellow suit made that left ladies swooning, and poets lost for rhymes.

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Special mention should also go to FinanceAsia’s publisher, Foster Wright who turned up in a made-to-measure zoot-suit that was measured by the most sight-impaired tailor we have ever come across.




publisher's ball pic 3Citibank’s Richard Tesvich: So smooth







publisher's ball pic 4Mark Panday; Jackie Horne; Jonathan Moult; Ines NoT





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HSBC’s Lawrence Webb and wife Vivien






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Mark Panday: Bad hair day






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FinanceAsia’s Cherie Marriott and HSBC’s Mark Bucknall

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Salomon’s ECM big man, Scott Ferguson







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