Trading Japan from the heights of Everest

Julian McManus, Miami-based fund manager for Everest Capital''s Japan Opportunities Fund, discusses the firm''s multi-strategy approach to Japan.

Everest Capital, a $1.2 billion hedge fund, headquartered in Miami, launched its Japan Opportunities Fund in January 2003. The fund currently stands at $60 million and has a capacity of $300 million. The fund was up over 25% in 2003 and has enjoyed a return of over 12% to date in 2004.

Everest launched its Japan longshort fund in 2002. What was the rationale for setting up your Japan Opportunities Fund a year later

McManus Everest's Japan equity longshort fund is market neutral and makes money on its ability to pick stocks long and short without taking any sector directional positions. The fund targets a low volatility and...

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