Man Investments has poached Giselle Lee from Deutsche Asset Management's institutional sales team. Lee's initial mandate will be to head up Man's sales effort in Hong Kong.
Lee will report to Matt Dillon, the firm's regional manager for Asia. Commenting on the new appointment, Dillon says, "Giselle is a key hire for us. She will be instrumental in helping us further communicate our products to retail and institutional investors in Hong Kong."
With Man looking to authorize a new retail hedge fund with the SFC, part of Lee's role will be to step up education of the hedge fund product for investors and distributors.
It is envisaged that over time, Lee will bring her Asia wide knowledge and experience with institutional investors to bear, expanding Man's investor base in this area.
Lee spent the last five years with Deutsche Asset Management, and was previously a director in charge of the firm's institutional sales in Asia. Prior to this, she worked in wholesale distribution, and has spent two years working with Allianz Dresdner and three years with Jardine Fleming.