sc lowy

Distressed debt: Why India must make friends with the vultures

Sitting on a half a trillion dollars of non-performing assets, India’s desire to lift growth should be enough to allow foreign investors to fully tap the country’s distressed debt market. However, there are two major impediments to change.
January 16, 2020

Bond market buildout could kill QFII and CNH

China's efforts to liberalise its bond markets along with its capital account have made funding cheaper for local companies but also raise risk and credit rating questions.
March 02, 2016

Hydoo, high yield, high price

Chinese trade centre developer executes a debut international bond but has to offer investors a 14% yield to clear the market.
December 08, 2015

SC Lowy names Schmidt as DCM head

Florian Schmidt joins the independent fixed income specialist firm as its head of debt capital markets after a near nine-year stint at ING.
February 23, 2015

SC Lowy takes stake in Korea’s Shinmin

Distressed and illiquid assets specialist SC Lowy will likely gain a portfolio of South Korean non-performing loans by acquiring Shinmin from a troubled construction firm.
January 24, 2014