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In Debt
PLN sets precedent for future borrowings
UBS prices this year's largest non-investment grade international bond deal with a $1 billion dual-tranche transaction for PLN.

In Debt
Landbank prices new capital deal
On the back of a huge order book, Deutsche Bank prices a tight lower tier-2 bond for the Land Bank of the Philippines.

M&A Briefing
Goldman's Leven discusses private equity and Asian M&A
In the second of our M&A interviews, Johan Leven who runs M&A for Goldman Sachs, discusses why financial sponsors are better positioned in Asia than in the rest of the world.

Institutional Investors
SSE Infonet begins case against FTSE Xinhua
China index market heats up as Shanghai exchange begins breach of contract case against FTSE Xinhua.

View Point
Market complacency over North Korea could be dangerous
A guest opinion piece by North Korea expert and Barclays Capital's economist, Dominique Dwor-Frécaut.

People Moves
Musical chairs at Goldman Sachs continues
Goldman Sachs fills the gaps created by departures at its China JV.

Loan Digest
Loan Week, October 6-12
A roundup of the latest syndicated loan market news.

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SIBOS 2006
Daily information from the Sibos conference and exhibition
Please look out for our daily newsletter direct from Sibos in Sydney, which includes a host of news stories and features.

Standard & Poor's Daily Ratings Direct Asia-Pacific Highlights
Welcome to Standard & Poor's daily summary of credit research of interest to investors in Asia-Pacific.